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O Captain, My Captain!

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goodgoalie | 12:28 Sat 03rd Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just noticed that Captain2 has given nearly 35,000 answers on AB - but has asked NO questions! Seriously impressive, but there must be something you'd like to know? :)


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Maybe he doesn't know 'how' to ask a question and would normally ask on here how to do it - but he can't coz he doesn't know how to ask a question.

I hope that makes sense - reading it over confused me
Perfect sense !!!!!!!
But, Wolfie he knows how to answer!! Perhaps he/she is a knowitall!

sharon - no, that is my little brother that you are thinking of - he has been, of late, an infrequent visitor to the site. He knows everything about everything.
I've never asked a question, nearly seven years.
Perhaps he has an alias he asks questions under...
Or maybe, (horror of horrors), he asks on another site!
I think that the reason he hasn't asked any questions is because I don;'t think he does any crosswords.
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But you've a few more answers to go to catch up, Ginge...
Hi goodgoalie; it's nice to be noticed thank you.

The only question I have is 'who and where is Captain1?'; never seen them on here but I couldn't have it as my User Name.

For Danny: I do the Telegraph crosswords every day along with a few others weekly; I don't look at nor answer threads for the DT during the day because I save them for my evening pleasure.
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Hi Captain, thanks for the reply, and no, I've never seen a Captain1 either. Thought you do crosswords, as I've seen you give so many helpful replies - keep up the good work!

If you're ever stuck, you only have to ask....... :)

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O Captain, My Captain!

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