I thought he was a bit of a prat. And yes, the two women were, furious and I don't blame them. He did answer some tricky questions in the final chase though.
He shouldn't have taken the -£2000. At the very least, he should have taken what he won. Chicken!!
There was a moment on tonight's show that reminded me of my suspicions that the Chasers must be told to sometimes give wrong answers. In the final chase, Anne Hegarty was asked what the first name of Andy Murray's mother is. Her pause was SO unconvincing, as was the answer she gave: Cathy. Eh? Something very dodgy going on, methinks - no way a quizzer like her would not have known that, and her hesitation looked so acted.
Don't think Judy Murray was on the tip of her tongue sometimes the so called easy questions just escape you I think Anne wanted to win today as the first eliminated contestant said she was the easiest to beat but he got his comeuppance when Anne disposed of him quickly!!