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Predicted Weather

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gina32 | 16:19 Wed 21st Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Has anyone got the storms and rain we are supposed to be getting this afternoon and evening yet?


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Colverjo No I don't think it is possible to get it to show fahrenheit.
It's so long since I used it I can't relate to it anymore. Centigrade is far more logical , 0 is the freezing point of water and 100 is the boiling point .
Online converter here
The very short version is that the weather was so bad that the fishing boat couldn't get out from Anstruther (might have been Crail, have been twice) and the four of us uni friends were stuck with little more than lots of tea, dried mashed potato and tobacco - two of us were going through a rather pretentious pipe-smoking phase, Clan Aromatic, and something else that had to be shaved from a block then rubbed in your palms: it's going to really annoy me now that I can't remember the name of it. Even the lighthouse keepers (there were such back then) had almost nothing to eat/share with us. We sat in the old lighthouse where we were staying (rumoured to be haunted), and stupified ourselves on endless tea and tobacco till the weather broke. I refused to eat the limpets the others were prising off the rocks!
What an adventure. Bet it didn't feel like it at the time though GG. Thanks for sharing x
Condor !
Haha... you've had a Condor moment!
Still been very warm here all day. No sign of any rain or thunder, but the garden needs it so badly.
It was 33 degrees here yesterday.
The two bar tobaccos I remember were Condor and Warhorse.
Ive just looked at a rain radar map and the rain that was making its way down from the north has moved out to sea now.

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