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jennyjoan | 23:47 Wed 28th Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Had to say to my Polish decorator on Monday - I am talking to him in sorta signed language - but anyway - told him that if he wanted me to hear him that he had to show his face to me so that I could lipread - he in his broken English "but I thought you needed ears" "yes you do but I need all eyes and ears to "hear" to be functional. But thought to myself (if I don't then I become dysfunctional).

Between his understanding of the English language and my speeth impediment - we get on great. Lovely wee fella


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Didn't you say a while ago that a neighbour was going to do some of the work?
Question Author
Yes that's true but neighbour is up to his balls
Great image - up to them in what??
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^^^ oh and told me to go ahead (neighbour that is) - I don't give two fiddlers funks who does it as long as it gets done.

Polish guy on Monday looked around and said "I be here for one week" - says I under my breath - if I have my way you will be here for 3 weeks as I need so much done inside and out which he can do but at this moment in time I think he is booked up for some time. I am just taking one day at a time "Sweet Jesus" that's all I'm asking from you". You know the song
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Construction Work
Drop-kick me, Jesus, through the goal posts of life....
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Oh but don't kick me in the balls
Sounds like you're getting along famously JJ.
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Oh yes he is only 37 and "vife" bless him is having baby in November - he said he just wants one with good health - a healthy baby no matter what sex. He is lovely.
How come you can talk on the phone if you need to lip read?
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I have a special phone Ummmm and I only talk to close friends - anybody else as in England or any other country - I take brain freeze and deaf freeze.

I communicated with Polish guy through email - Thanks be to God and His Holy Mother - god bless emailing for the deef.
// How come you can talk on the phone if you need to lip read?// (someone)

o god I got that on the train the other night - that fact I could use the phone 'proved' conclusively I wasnt deaf and didnt need to sign. ....

you werent that drunk romanian woman on the train from Brum were you ? anyway I said to her in return: your english is so good you couldbe working for the romanian secret police

which like a lot of my jokes on AB
she didnt find funny at all !

anyway technically the telephones filter out sibillants ( high pitched sounds, esses) which cue a lot of english words. This accounts for us all finding foreign languages v difficult to understand

[that comment was on telephony and languages including Romanian]

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