Wednesday. Just a few wispy clouds about this morning. Venus is twinkling merrily. Going to be a nice day.
Tiggy is still out in the garden. Snowflake needed to go out for a call of nature during the night, they said hello to each other then carried on with what they were doing. Nice to see.
Got a fight with the lawnmower at 9. Then the usual running around, that's it so far. My kitchen knives need sharpening, so I'll do that out in the back garden methinks.
Yes murray that is exactly what I think - generally this happens whenever one of the 'wives' has been ill.
Hubby let it slip that I had a penicillin allery which she was very dismissive of!
She did this just after my op too but then it was an alleged ulcer (which she didn't have after vast investigation)
I wouldn't mind but we are over there next week for a week!!
irritating Islay, just try to ignore...bit difficult for your hubby though...I always felt that I was competing with my MIL..always trying to score points with my now ex for attention....where is the wet mackerel when you need them ? lol...
The thing is its done for maxi worry - we live several hundered miles away and her other son lives 90 minutes away - did she ring him? No of course not!!!