I know that the majority of dreams that we have are negative in some way. Fearful, sad, humiliating etc. (Don't know why, just what ive read in online studies re: dreams). But over the last few months I've been experiencing repeated dreams that I'm dying in some way. Ive had at least 3 dreams...that I can still now recall...that ive been shot in the back of the head. One dream in which I was been buried alive. A dream in which I fell through a shop window and the glass sliced through my neck while people stood around laughing, and many others. (I posted a while ago re: a dream in which I was bitten by a snake).
They are all rather disturbing and I usually wake in a panic.
Anyone else have dreams like these?
It can be fun, v_e, but it can be anything but. I had a recurring dream for years and dreaded going to sleep most nights. Thankfully it has stopped now.
I have dreams about impending death all of the time, particularly (for some odd reason) about cycling and finding that my brakes have failed. (Occasionally I might be driving instead).
However I'm weird (yes, I KNOW I'm weird) in that I absolutely LOVE nightmares. For me, waking up screaming and covered in sweat is the equivalent of someone enjoying a 'max-thrill' ride in a fairground (which I'd never go near!). I can't wait to get back to sleep so that I can be terrified again!