ive noticed that sometimes my hands shake a bit, i feel like i have the jitters, but only when im moving them, doing stuff, when i hold them out to check the shake, they are steady as a rock.
I am a tad shaky when doing my parchment craft, I was advised by fellow parchers to hold something in my opposite hand, for example an ink bottle, flipping heck it worked. Not a clue why though. A pencil sharpener, half a dozen pencils, anything that will fit in a loosely closed fist - it just works.
Oh it's common is it ? I just thought I was in for a dose of Parkinson's when I was even older. I get it on and off. Not permanently though, so maybe it's different.
I think you mean..INTENTION TREMOR.
Usually not a big deal and doesn't suggest any serious disorder.
Rarely it is the presenting symptom of a neurological disease...very rarely.
I would monitor the situation over the next few months and if then, you are worried, see your GP.