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A Silly Game

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sunny-dave | 20:22 Sat 08th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
"What are your Toff Names?"

Take the first name of a grandparent, a street in which you grew up and a headteacher from your school.

I give you (because I'm not sure I want them) ...

Robert Wellington-Swell and

John Kiln-Williams

I await the invite from Debrett's momentarily ...

SD xx


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Isabella Knoll-Hawksworth for posh. Ginger Mitchell for star (note to self 'buy red hair dye'.)
Fluffkins Ramsbottom...

Gness I didn't know sod was banned, or even frowned upon.

Oh, I see we have now changed tack..

Bunty Ablett is my film/porn star name.
It was till recently, Ferlew......if I said.....I have a bag of *** of turf for my fire pit.....***.....would be.....****...... :-)
Agnes Clifton Fairweather or Gladys Wharmton Collier. Phew. Thank goodness neither of those happened.
***!....It's changed for me!!!!!
I really have to try this....
Put a sod of turf on the fire.....

Put some *** of turf on the fire.....
I give up..... :-(

It'd be easier being an adult movie star..... x
If I said my porn name I'd be giving away my anonymity. I'll go with my posh name: Kathleen Sunny Crown
Can't help but wonder who makes up the rules Gness.
My head being a sod is ok.
So a singular sod is fine, but multiple *** are not, as in some sod.
What about one sod, then many more ***??

(Mr F resting, and I have time on my hands, can you tell?

*** :)

Make the most of your time, Ferlew......relax and

I'm going back to......pieces of turf..... :-)
Annie Traprain-Cooney
..or..Simba Davies !
humph, I couldn't even type Sod's Law days ago

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