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racoony | 11:21 Mon 17th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Has anybody successfully reclaimed PPI and can recommend a legal firm who helped them?Many thanks in advance.Cakes are on me if we win!


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you don’t need a legal firm...we used a template letter
Yes ALL financial institutions now MUST BY LAW search their records to see if you had any PPI with them. This has to be free of charge and they have provide help to collect any PPI you are owed.
All you need do is ask and they have to do the rest.
DO NOT use a reclaim company they just write a single letter for you and collect 1/3rd of the payout!!!!
I have reclaimed 2 lots both just by writing to the company myself.
one was £4200 and the other £ 175.
Doing it yourself will save you 25percent!
We did exactly that following advice from the link that Emiritus has provided. It was dealing with Lloyds and was no problem at all. Some of the claim companies charge a % fee which can be quite a lot considering you can do it in an afternoon.
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Many thanks everyone,it seems the answer is do it yourself.Do I still need to buy cakes?
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How far back can you make a claim ?

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