Try your best to get the car and yourself out of harms way.
Do not block the flow of traffic.
Put up/out as many warnings as possible that there is a stationary car ahead.
Hi 1ozzy, I've done that many many times in my days & had a friendly warning from the police, but I still done the same, as It happens one was a Policeman's Mother. How are things in OZ? good I hope,
There are many different situations that may occur Ummmm, just try to do the best and safest for all concerned at the time.
No hard and fast rules, keeping a cool mind and common sense (which seems to be a declining attribute these days) is the most important thing in any emergency situation.
My cam belt snapped when I was driving, luckily on normal road, and I managed to cruise to the kerb. Had that happened on a motorway I don't know how I would have reacted.
In that situation Ummmm "Hazards on" I once had a lady in the Middle lane with the Bonnet up, 2 children in the back, I stopped just behind with my Hazards on, when the other traffic seen what was going on, the car was driven onto the Hard Shoulder, that happened on the M62 Near the Heywood Junction, that motorway is a very busy one.