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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:01 Tue 08th Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Tuesday. Rain during the night, still cloudy. Just looked out, raining again. Someone remarked on my suntan yesterday, I told them it is rust.

A busy day today, to the hospice, then to Brimscomb Port, Then to Stroud, then to Saul Junction, then I think I can come home. What time that will be remains to be seen. The rest of the day is mine then!

Have a happy day everyone.


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A good but very wet morning this morning and the forecast, or should I say guess, is for the rain to continue all day.
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Morning donny. That sounds about right mate!

All well this morning?

Mrs B has just joined us,so I guess I'd best get the apron on :o)
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All in order then balders.

Good morning to Mrs. B.
I am well, but I have no doubt Ann will be hobbling badly. She insists on doing little bits in her beloved garden, I do most of it these days, but she follows me doing bits that have been missed. I am no gardener.
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I'm with you on that one donny. But it won't do Ann any harm as long as she doesn't overdo it.
Morn Boaty /Campers, all dry here at the mo been for the papers and it's very mild, Sink Taps to put in our bathroom today so that will keep me busy for a couple of hours, have a good day you all.
Spoiled for choice, breakfast ready, papers arrived, what to do?
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Morning TWR. I shall venture out shortly. I'll finish my coffee first though.
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Decisions, decisions Tash. Have a happy day. xxxxx
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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