I am not sure how helpful this is or not, but to avoid trying to play the game for you I thought instead I'd suggest an "ideal set-up" that you might try to aim for. Go to the website below and paste this string in the text box:
8/8/8/4N3/5PP1/1P1PPNQP/PBP1B3/3R1RK1 b - - 0 1
(You might need to turn off the check box underneath too).
Of course this is highly dependent on what your opponent does, but there you go, for what it's worth.
A few explanations:
1. The key aim really is to get control of the e5 square. In the above position, I have a knight sitting there, a knight waiting to jump in to take its place, a bishop on b2 aiming right at e5, queen on g3 also keeping an eye on the square, and so on.
2. I'm not clear on the move-order to get here, but if you start off with moves like b3, Bb2, e3 and Be2 then that should get things going. It is reachable, anyway.
3. The position above relies on your opponent doing nothing to stop you, which is surely optimism. But the point is to keep it in mind, asking yourself "what do I want to achieve?" and work towards that as far as possible.
4. If you do get lucky and get most (or all) of the way to that position then from controlling e5 you can look to start to attack. In the diagram I started my kingside pawns moving up the board, even though I castled behind them, but it's clearly optional.
To be honest I'd love to find a place to sit and talk through all this, f4 happens to be an opening I play a few times so you might be in luck that I know something about it! Anyway, I'll keep an eye on the game. Start out be developing, slowly, and keping an eye on e5, and you should be fine.