Where is everybody?Bet you all out enjoying yourselves,when the saddos with no life are on here and cursing them of you who have a life! I'm bored stupid,old mans doing overtime,the girls are out,the boys locked away in his bedroom the dogs are bugging me and i want to run away with robert de niro,on top of that the sun hates me and my fake tan is streaking,when you all get back and on here,please delight me in telling me all about your exciting day!My question is,Why are some people always smiling and others can be constantly moaning minnies?
i'm not shiny but i am happy cos i have just bought myself a cliff richard watch on e bay, but am a little bit bored cos sundays are boring, just finished my ironing that too is boring, what u need is retail therapy girl, i want to run away with cliff lol, some chance.