Well after reading this yesterday thankful that I hadn't seen a huge spider in months, I woke up this morning with the biggest eight legged freak staring at me from the bedroom wall, it had a machete and a sawn off shotgun ready to do battle with me!!
I leapt out of bed, grabbed the hoover whilst having a mini panic attack, son asked what was wrong, I told him, he looked and said 'ooooh that's a biggie, I bet it runs when you put the hoover near it'!
I put hoover on, shakily put the hose up near the ceiling where critter was sitting and then it did as son said, it ran, and when I say ran I mean it ran really, really fast!!
I cornered it, sucked it up and left hoover on for ages whilst pouring insect killer powder down the hose (sorry to the creature lovers)
My son has been gloating ever since with his little 'told you it'd run' comments!!
Hope I don't see any more big ones like that ever again, my nerves are shot!!!