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Arm In Arm

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Bazile | 10:34 Sun 27th Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Two women walking down the road arm in arm

Two men walking down the road arm in arm

Which one would you give a second look and why ?


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Sqad, behave. I am lacking bladder control right now.
Sqad...the reason that most of us use the word "gay" because the word you used is pejorative.

Personally, I couldn't give a stuff if anybody walked down the road arm in arm....why should it bother me ?
Your last paragraph @12.33 mikey I totally agree
Thanks Bernie !

Its a great pity, that after all the reforms of the 1960's, some people still need to feel be offended by something as innocuous as two people expressing a friendship !
Probably the men to smile at them - because its a wonderful world that allows their love to now be free.

Don't you think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself there, Islay?
mikey/ from where and what did the description of "Gay"........emerge?
Thought you'd never ask Sqad !
Realistically two men could be walking down the road arm in arm, because one of them is blind. Linking arms does not make them gay.

I still maintain that it is, by and large, and effeminate thing to do.

I wouldn't really notice that the women were arm in arm, just whether or not they were fit. I would the men but doubt very much that I would take a second look. The why should be obvious - it still isn't something most of us see everyday.
Thank you mikey

"The term was originally used to mean "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"."....and to me it still does....nothing to do with homosexuality.

"By the end of the 20th century, the word gay was recommended by major LGBT groups and style guides to describe people attracted to members of the same sex."

Not by me it wasn't....and had never heard of LGBT until last week!

It is sort of one of those things that creep up on you in life. There was no referendum that i can remember that instructed homosexuals to be referred to as "gay"............

"some people still need to feel be offended by something as innocuous as two people expressing a friendship !"

I didn't say that I was "offended", indeed the post is nothing to do with offence.

Thanks for the link.
Only too glad to hep Sqad !
But you don't walk arm in arm with blind people. They hold on to you while you lead them. Huge difference.
This 'free love' is all well and good - but I hope delivery is better than for similar offers in the past ...

... I'm still waiting for the free Nelson Mandela I was promised in the 1980s.
I often walk arm in arm with a friend and often did with my Mum. Yes, I'd probably look twice at two men doing it.

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