G'afternoon Nailit.....It is good that you are progressing and still seem to be retaining a good sense of humour.
Hopefully you will eventually establish contact with your Solicitor and he/she will put forward a good case on your behalf when matters return to Court.
In the meantime, as you have requested jokes, I hope this one is appropriate.
Police Officer whilst arresting a female on the basis of..'Importuning for immoral purposes' says to her.."What you need now is a good Solicitor ." The reply given was... " No thanks, I am capable of doing my own Soliciting ."
Don't worry Smow, I always find a way to annoy. That's what I need Hans, some gags to keep me sane in this place. Its a madhouse. Hope its not a full moon tonight, they're bouncing off the walls as it is...
Just popped in to say I've heard what happened and that I'm so proud of you....for getting the help you need, have been crying out for, and, above all, thoroughly deserve, mate.
Turning point now, pleased you have an Advocate assigned now...feel better soon, nailit, and the world is better with people like you in it, so live life to the fullest and I wish you all my best wishes for a speedy recovery...Take care.