Amongst my general family there is serious diabetes. But lately particularly this last 2 weeks I am finding I am eating far too much - having the attitude - ach YOLO - you only live once.
I don't like it and want to go back to sorta healthy eating.
Anybody have advice to tell me not to be such a greedy pig when I buy sweet things.
Like yesterday was terrible. Ate all day and was full - still withall had a Mexican bowl of chilli - and a tub of honeycomb icecream. I was disgusted at myself.
Atalanta - many years ago and I was quite thin then as opposed to now - I went to hypnotist and I thought the flesh would walk off me. Some minutes before going in to him I went to the shop and bought 5 bars of chocolate and stuffed them into me.
Hypnotism doesn't work for me as you need to close your eyes and I can't do that as I need to lipread so it was a waste of money. Never lost an ounce that time.
If it's the act of eating that you need to do, rather than get the taste of something sweet, keep things like chopped carrots, broccoli, tomatoes in the fridge and munch on them when you feel like eating.
Don't feel disgusted with yourself. And don't forbid yourself from eating anything you really fancy. A square of dark chocolate will keep you going if you want something sweet.
I used to be a compulsive eater. I'm not saying that's what you are, but just a bit of advice anyway. Allowing myself to eat what I wanted stopped me stuffing myself - if that makes sense. I'm not sure it does, but don't beat yourself up if you have the occasional ice cream too many.
Each occasion you have to win the argument with yourself. Maybe put up some encouraging words on the fridge reminding and supporting the aim you really want. If you fail to stop yourself perhaps compromise by indulging in tasters rather than full bowls of foodstuff. (Taste is nice but fleeting; whatever the quantity you soon reach the end and it's just a memory.) If it is truly down to boredom then maybe you need to find an interest, a hobby or other pastime, that takes your concentration until bedtime.
I think it is a mind set. I stopped eating croissant every morning, biscuits with tea, chocolate and so on, and one morning I discovered I had cheekbones. Now it's been maybe 6 months and I have lost about 13 kilos. I do have the occasional treat if I fancy it, but JJ, you will just have to look upon all those sweet treats as poison for you.
Just converted 13 kilos to stones ie 2 stone - very well done.
There are so many shops around me - malls actually - Lidl do beautiful scones but I am going to try and avoid them.
TBH what does really help me is going onto scales and getting a fright - then when I try it is quite heartsome to go back on the scales and see the weight coming down.
Will try to get on to scales from Monday as I have no idea what I weigh.
I was very good at crochet but really no need for it now. May try and get back to playing the organ as I could have spent literally hours on it. However I have forgotten the notes.