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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:51 Thu 14th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
92 Answers
Thursday. The garden looks a lot different now! So far done three trips to the tip, at least another three, could be four. They got rained off, so the back hedge is still looking wild. Got some storm damage to repair today, Ain't life grand!

Have a happy day everyone.


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you never know who you are walking past is scary how many weirdos and scary folk are out on the streets... I used to be involved with tracking scary folk round the country for the police..they knew who they were and what they were up to but just wanted to keep tabs on where they were at ay given of my scary clients spent 30 years in Barlinnie special unit..a real hard guy ..killed a few including 2 of Jimmy Boyle's mates... but like a pussy cat with me ..charming ..but deadly ..
Blimey minty,
//but like a pussy cat with me//
You must have looked like a REALLY hard case, lol
Goodly morning peeps xx
Hope all is well.

~PC is playing silly boogers this morning

Nailit, trust me, you don't ever want to be on the wrong end of a 'Minty Glare'
lol..first time I went to do a pre release at the nick the boss man sent me home to change.. " some of these men have not been near a woman for years, you are not going in like that !" lol off with the wee navy suit heels and make up !!
morning Albs xx
A minty glare? I can imagine that been quiet something Alba.

//off with the wee navy suit heels and make up//
Did you have to wear a suit with arrows on it then minty? lol
Morning Minty xx

We've got sunshine this morning, has garden bin been emptied yet?
Mine's half-full but it'd take a wee while to trundle it over to you :-)
Lol Nailit..jeans and old tatty sweatshirt ..but managed to blag a prison jumper..kudos on the outside in Norwich !!!

bin STILL not emptied Albs..been on again and so have neighbours..spitting feathers...
Good morning, everyone.

Minty at 8.02, reminds me of Silence of the Lambs, in a particularly chilling way.

Nails, think of thon Superman films, where laser-beams come out of their eyes :-)))
Minty is always fair tho

Club together, hire a truck of some kind and deposit contents of bin outside of council offices.

poota still playing silly burgers, hope everyone had a sooperb day, laters !! xxxx
morning Clover xx

that was an option I suggested with neighbour Albs !! bye for now xx
lol Clover..had to do a home visit to a chap..out after 25 years for killing claustrophobic... no going on my lonesome I told the boss... got to pick the biggest male staff member to chum me ! as it turned out he was ok and rather pathetic really

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