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cooke | 10:45 Tue 23rd Mar 2004 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
I am really desperate to find 'Buddy'. i believe it was a T.V series in the 80s. We used to watch it aat school. I need it for some pupils who cannot read the whole book but if i missed parts out it wouln't make sence. Is there anyony i can E-Mail that might be able to help me.


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Do you know who produced it or what station it was on? It may be a long shot but if you were to contact them and explain why you need it they may be able to help.
I remember this very well as Roger Daltrey playing the father Terry was such a good actor. It was part of the BBC Schools programme and so serialized over a number of weeks.

It later became a musical called 'Buddy's Song' , again with Roger Daltrey - and Chesney Hawkes playing his son. If (and it's a big if) you can get hold of it, the film video would be your best bet. Perhaps there's some names here that might help. I do hope you have some luck as it was a brilliant programme.

Assuming it is the one with Roger Daltrey..., doesn't appear to be available on amazon uk but is in the US if you have $92.95 to spare!
but is available in the UK from
Ooops comma got included in the IMDB URL above which makes it not work so try here
The book "Buddy" was written by Nigel Hinton. I've just found it in my link. You can buy the book here as the story is not on video - only the film :

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