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Can You Use A Fridge In A Garage?

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bednobs | 21:47 Thu 14th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
or are there any problems with that?


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Our freezer is in the wooden garage, and quite happy, although we have created a very simply protection for it from the cold.

Having read similar comments about the motor not being designed to work below room temperature, we put the freezer under a work bench and fixed a flat piece of wood either side of it as a side protection. We added a couple of sheets of polysyrene, behind and each side, leaving an air gap between the the polysyrene and the freezer. Just enough to protect it against extreme cold.

this Teleg hack tends to make a meal of it

( fridge freezer has only one compressor so if the ambient temp is that cold, it doesnt get turned on so the freezer defrosts.....etc
clearly written by a hack who read mediaeval French and not enginerring)
I have a friend in Sheerness who had a fridge in an unlocked and some gipsies came along and emptied it!
Try one of these, very small, you could keep it in a kitchen cupboard. User Recommendation
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I use the garage fridge nearly every day, at the BP station on King Street, do I win five pounds?
Get a Beko one. They are built to work in garages and outhouses.
we kept a fridge and 2 freezers in the garden shed for over 10 years without problems.
I am on my second garage fridge and I have a freezer out there too. The first fridge ran for 20years then conked out so i think I would say yes you can.
I'm not good with electrics and that kind of thing (so it may be a very daft question) but, especially for storing meds, would it be a different electricity supply to the house? If so there could be less chance of realising if the electric had gone off for some reason, more noticeable quicker if it would affect the house too?

Apparently fridges are good for a while though if shut, I panicked about my meds when there was a widespread power cut affecting my local area, I was at work and had a load of injections in my fridge. Had it not been on the local news website though I'd probably have had no idea that my injections could have been at risk. They have put me on some kind of priority list for any power outages and for updates, now they know I am storing medication which has to be kept under a certain temperature. They were very good about it, send me text updates too. Might be useful for you too if your local one does the same. It was Electricity NW here, not my electric provider.
shoota, I used my mother in law, very effective.

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