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So Disappointed

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Caran | 00:00 Mon 18th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Missed Last Night of the Proms due to being on holiday. Spotted BBC4 was showing a repeat so recorded it.
It was from on the hill. None of the usual songs or musicians. Felt like a load of rubbish.


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BBC iplayer, Last night of the proms part 1 and part 2 are available for another 21 days.
"from on the hill"???

Have you hit upon 'Proms in the Park' by mistake?

The Last Night of the Proms is available on BBC iPlayer in two parts, here
and here
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Thanks for the links Chris. I spotted BBC4 had "last Night of the Proms" didn't realise when it said from around the UK that it was a different programme.
I will use your links today.

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So Disappointed

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