i am! My child, Now please feel free to fill in your bank details below and post to me asap. I'm out on weekend Prison leave soon. (heee heee). no honestly i think if i knew who god was i would be very happy and very rich.
Since the beginning of human civilisation there have been many, many thousands of different gods. For an answer to your question, take your pick from any of them.
God is not good, God is an egotistical being,
'Thou shalt NOT worship any gods before me', he's not saying he's the only god, he's saying he's the top God.
slightly out of context jake. my point is that people in the past have believed that a bearded man, the sun, the moon, cats, dogs, crocodiles, cows, themselves/their pharoah/emperor, a tree, a one eyed toad (feng shui I think), etc etc were gods. i don't think that it is prescriptive so it's each to their own. so....whatever you believe it is.
By placing it in a different context it becomes obvious how false it is
As you imply there are multiple religions all with their own views of God and truth.
It's become very popular to plaster over this obvious inconsistancy with plattitudes like "all great religions contain truth" simply because claiming " they all are true" avoids the obvious conclusion that in fact none of them are.
If there is any such thing as God, i personally feel that it is everything that surrounds us - the grass, the trees, the air, the sky, all the natural resources, flowers, places of beauty, etc etc etc.....
If you believe in God then it naturally follows that you must believe in the devil....
Some folk believe that to rely upon the word of a god is to evade responsibility....