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What Does Vichy Mean?

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cassa333 | 18:53 Thu 14th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
TTT keeps using the term but I can't find a reference to what it means.

All I found was sites for beauty products!!!


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Vichy can also mean 'a bit like viche'.
sunny-dave Completely Rumbelows ...

Now if he'd gone Rediffusion, we'd all be in trouble.
Don't forget Granada
I love the soup - hard to find it these days.
It is an appropriate term for those that collaborate with a foriegn power to undermine their own nation. This was the term used in France in WW2 to describe their own collaborators.
TTT....calm down dear ! Nobody is "collaborating" with anyone.
Mikey, Vichy as that part off France which collaborated with the Germans in WW2
The EU is a demonstrably corrupt foreign power and people like you want them to run our country and actively work to achieve that. That's as close to the dictionary definition as you can get mate.
Danny...that was over 60 years ago, but where are all the people that are collaborating with foreign posers now, here in Britain ?
TTT...its purple prose, and you know it.
ok answer a straight question: Who should govern Britain?
Our own Government TTT, as it does now.
But our own government subservient to a foreign power!
mikey, where for arty thou?

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