Ross has his moments but I can't listen to much of that radio show, partly for the reasons at the top of this thread, partly because Ross is like a laser beam - unvarying in his delivery and approach.
The TV show is horrible. It's partly a general problem I have with UK shows aping the US Letterman-style format, which I find cringe-inducing. Ross relies too much on gay-related remarks of the "I think he might be a bit funny" type, which I find lame. He can really shine when interviewing potentially difficult subjects - with Thom Yorke and Madonna, both known to often be prickly in interviews, he was very good. With Nicole Kidman, who isn't a natural interviewee, he was embarrassingly appalling. She did well to keep it lighthearted but when she said "I just want this to end now" it was sincere and I agreed/sympathised with her.
Yes having Andy on the TV show was an immense mistake they did well to rectify quickly.