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The Safe House Tonight On Tv...

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trt | 14:35 Thu 07th Sep 2017 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
Would you have to have seen the first series, to understand the plot?


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No, I don't think so - they are stand alone series with new characters.
This series (of four episodes) has new cast members and a new location (according to Radio Times) there seems to be no connection at all with series one!
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thank you folks
Can anyone tell me when Series One was shown. It's the type of programme I usually watch but I seem to have missed this one tia
April 2015
Thank you x
It's available on Amazon Prime Video if you want to watch it, Sadie.
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I thought the production team must have been on a tight budget, as there were so many scenes, I couldn't see a thing, as it was too dark.
I thought it was great, a really good start. Is the father who survived the attack 8 years ago the same chap who was killed in Line of Duty? I thought that was a bit of confusing casting there, as he was a baddie in LoD.
Did those that watched 2nd series of Safe House feel disappointed with ending? Did Sam die? So many unanswered questions...

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The Safe House Tonight On Tv...

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