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The Tories...the Listening Party ?

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mikey4444 | 13:49 Fri 29th Sep 2017 | News
31 Answers
Theresa May urged to halt Universal Credit roll-out

"Twelve Conservative MPs have written to work and pensions secretary David Gauke to call for the same thing"

I wonder if she will listen ?


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Quite agree, mamya. Especially re Housing Benefit.
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Criticism of UC has come from all directions, including from members of the Tory Party, but this Government still ploughs ahead, and ignores all the criticism, as per usual.

This is the work, not of the Listening Party, but the Nasty Party.

I've not looked into this UC thing much, but stopping existing benefits until they confirm entitlement to the new benefit, seems insane to me.

However benefits are paid, after ticking the relevant boxes on the form it ought not need large delays to get it confirmed and up & running. Sounds like an admin system inefficiency.
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Sounds like a typical cock-up, from an uncaring Government to me OG.........most of them couldn't find empathy in a dictionary.
I'll be happy to try and refute your point, spicerack, as soon as you come up with one.

Universal Pension Credit is not a thing.
// are you refuting what I said about Universal Pension Credit ? //

Is it an act for our entertainment, or are you really that stupid ?
Sigh, why do I expose myself to all this vitriol?
I'm surprised at you, Jim. You're usually such a nice lad.
There's a reason I asked Mikey about Universal Pensions, he's probably looked into it and knows how it effects him.
You mightn't have to worry about your pension for 50 or even a 100 years. (especially if we leave the EU)
Generally speaking, although I don't know all the ins and outs, I'd say I'm against Universal Credit.
I didn't mean to be nasty: I was just accusing you, accurately, of not having a point.

And, as I say, I'm somewhat saddened to see you attempt to quash any counter-arguments embedded in fact before they are even made.

Still, moving on -- interesting that you are after all against UC.

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Spicey....I am not sure how Universal Pensions got into this thread. I am fairly sure that I won't qualify for any pension credits, at least not unless my circumstances change. Its nice to see that you agree with the rest of us about Universal Credit though.

Lets hope Mrs May will listen....there are plenty, from all sides that tell her she should. Perhaps she will have a change of heart, in the same way that she ditched so many of her pre-Election policies.
Yes, Mikey, exactly.
Under the old system, someone with no private pension or savings would get double your basic state pension.
But surely you'll be assessed under Universal Pensions (or whatever they're called) and get the same, ie. Be about £50 a week better off.
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Spicey....I have already had my OAP forecast for next June, and together with my 2 occupational pensions, that I am already receiving, it appears that my income will be over the amount where pension credits start creeping in. I am not complaining.

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