If you posted a question about sex in the last 10 years you may want to check for updated answers from Rebecca as she is on a roll answerring old threads at quite a rate but they of course don't appear in Latest Posts.
In my (limited) experience, answering old posts usually has something to do with spam.
But if one has a valid response who knows who it might help when someone searches for an answer to their question here, before possibly starting a new question thread.
Having now clicked the links, seems to me that it's just a boasting issue here. A desire to seem getting some. No evidence there's any truth in it though. Photos, or it didn't happen.
I don't see a problem here. There's no evidence of either spamming or trolling. She's just answering questions (including it seems one she herself asked). She might be boasting, as OG suggests, but if factor fiction hadn't pointed it out, nobody would be any the wiser.