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Islay | 10:52 Mon 09th Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
136 Answers
For all the emails and texts of support I got during my absence.
I would especially like to thank the person or persons that wrote to my employer, pointing them in the direction of this office.
Hope you have had fun at my expense. regards Islay


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Islay, I would just like to echo the comments of Tilly and hope you get it resolved......(some sad and unbelievable comments on this matter.)
Gromit - they were bragging about this before the mods were introduced.
It was Jim, in the wrong thread. :-)
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Lol thanks Mamya and Tilly - I hate that this thread has been trolled and glad to see its not another one!
ahhh those quizzes and puzzlers... they're very stealthy, keep an eye on them.
No one has these from me on AB but have a (((Islay))).
Yeah, sorry about that distraction Islay. Luckily some mod picked up on it quickly but only to unclutter the place.

On the actual post topic, glad you've been able to shrug off something so malicious and pathetic, and glad to see all the support on this thread.
I'm a bit late to the party here Islay my lovely, but would like to add my support to all the others.
Some people are very odd aren't they, I just can't get my head round why anyone would spend the time doing such a malicious thing.
I'm very private on t'internet, sometimes almost to the point of paranoia but when I read stuff like you've been through then I'm glad I am.
Chin up, chest out, keep on keeping on xx come across as a strong and resilient character so you probably know this already...dont let the *** get you down. But you wouldn't.
Diabolical as to anyone contacting your employer. Lowest of the low in my estimation.
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Thank you all
tomorrows fish and chip wrappers

I have been dobbed into various authorities for a variety of (non) things and after about three - you just get on with the matter in hand. As experience grows, ( that is for the other seven ) you get an idea of a handle - or "who has done it".

They're gonna have to tell someone - a person who had done you a bad turn will not be able to resist telling someone and then you will hear about it.

what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.
.jay jay

Look, people contact employers
get used to it ! - it is a cruel world out there
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Peter, glad you can take it in such a lighthearted manner - this person hunted me down found my employers and to what aim - try and make me lose my job.
Oh well thats ok then - I will just laught it off shall I!!
Sorry to hear about this, Islay.
I wish you all the best in your endeavours to find out who the culprit is, and again in your efforts to move on from this unsavoury episode.
Very late to the thread, not that it makes a difference as ive no idea what's going on.

Just wanted to give a cheery wave to Islay and hope, whatever it is, is sorted soon.


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