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Shop Surveys

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Sulgravian | 09:49 Tue 08th Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I regularly shop at M & S Food as it's very close to where I live. When I'm given the till receipt it's often accompanied by a ticket saying 'Chance to win £250' for a customer survey. The staff say they take note of the feedback and it helps them to improve the store. What I would like to know is does anyone know someone who has won £250 as a result of completing the survey?


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Never, regrettably. It does make me wonder if it is a con or perhaps do serial-puzzler types always complete the surveys?

Just because it is merely a "chance" to win do the firm have to pick a winner?

What if you contacted M&S and asked them direct?!

I think that most of the stores do something similar. Tesco has a little bit on the bottom of the receipt.

If it is a short survey I sometimes do the survey but I can't be bothered doing a long survey.
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Thanks very much. I think it's not actually M & S who do the survey but I will ask them all the same.
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