I get terrible eczema on my feet, sometimes so bad it is a struggle to walk, I have tried all the creams, from the doctors and general creams but nothing seems to work! If anyone has anyting hints/tips I would be EXTREMELY grateful!!!
aloe vera direct from the plant works for me. its my fingers that are affected. i have been known to split an aloe vera leaf so the gooey bit is exposed, place the gooey bit on the worse bit of my fingers, then fix it on with plasters or sellotape. its pure bliss whilst its on, but soon wears off when removed. another option would be to keep applying it when you are at home. i would also recommend you try it on a small area first, in case you are allergic.
My friend suffers from this on her hands and has to wear cotton gloves a lot of the time-not very practical!! She was greatly helped by a Chinese herbalist - not sure what the product or combination was but worth a try??
you need to cover your feet with a bandage (like a tubefast) once you have applied the creams, it will stop you scratching at it and making it worse. with regular use ther excema will improve.
dont use fragranced soaps or washing powders, wear materials that allow your skin to breathe, if you use detergent wash your hands afterwards, wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe also (not trainers)
Chinese Medicine worked for my ex. She went to London and affter the consultation had packets of herbs sent up, she had to boil them and drink the stuff every day - smelt revolting but after a while it drastically reduced the effects.
I tryed chinese medicine for a problem, it looked like bits of dead trees, and mangy leafs had to infuse like a tea, smell rotten and tasted even worse couldnt stomach it, there has been a bit of outcry over chinese medicine several people have either died or had serious complications like kidney failure!suppose its up to you!and its also expensive!!!
My father was greatly helped by two things:
First he visited a respected dietary therapist and subsequently ate a lot of brown rice & various wholefoods and cut out wheat and dairy & some other things. After a few weeks the change was remarkable, and he had had it so badly it even affected the inside of his mouth.
Now on the remaining problem area which happens to be the site of an old injury he uses his own urine, mixed with a little glycerine to make it stick. He alternates this after about six weeks with 2 or 3 weeks of a smear of steroid cream.
I think the thing is that skin is made from the inside, so you have to treat it from the inside.
Good luck.