I just question the inflexibility of that rule, it leaves no scope for the obscure ruling, as this was.
As for the food content......they were just taking the p.iss.
This is why I no longer post on Ab much these days.
Too many threads I have given time to contribute to have been deleted , with no explanation or apology too those who have given up time to contribute.
Porridge with honey, blueberry and raspberry mixed in.
Bannana and peanut breakfast bar with a large mug of tea.
However I'm on steroids 40mg a day (4 days on and 7 days off) for treatment for Myeloma. The steroids give me the munchies big time lol. Also make me hyper when on and agreesive when I come off them.
My cold turkey days :-)
Should have tried legal highs years ago.
Having never smoked , don't drink alcohol or taken drugs in my life.