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Cryptic Clue Answer - Local Quiz

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patriciamason | 20:19 Wed 18th Oct 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
38 Answers
One Word - a film - 7 letters.
Clue is - Your Feet have it.

I have an idea but not sure if it is right so any help will really be appreciated.Thank you.


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Tootsie ?
20:25 Wed 18th Oct 2017
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Balance - possibly what does anyone else think?
I share your uncertainty Patricia.
is there a film called legends?
I checked for that last night mallyh but only found Legend.
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Mallyh and cashier - legend could be leg end (feet) This could be it.
Definitely a possibility.
Yes, The leg end/ legend bit is something i hadn't thought of, but as the film is Legend and is only 6 letters. Also the single/plural issue arises again. And I would have expected the clue to say your feet are these/ is it rather than have it
So would I fiction-factory. I think Balance is the best bet so far
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Yes I realised legend was only 6 letters after I had signed off.I can't get over the plural then singular.This is a charity hospital quiz and I have got 38 out of the 40 clues and last night I was dreaming about this clue and still haven't come up with the answer!!!!I don't understand the comment about veruccas as i tried to find other words for it - no joy!!!I keep looking at my feet and wondering what they've got that I can't see.I am keeping this open and crossing my fingers.Thanks to all who have participated so far.
I think Mamyalynne was just pulling my leg with her verucca suggestion, patricia
I was - apologies.

Airedale Quiz
One word Films

Voluntary Services Airedale General Hospital Steeton Keighley BD20 6TD
SAE & Chq for £1.50 payable to Friends of Airedale and write 'Privacy and Dignity' on the back

Close date 17 th November
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I am now wondering if I am reading the clue wongly and the emphasis is on your feet HAVE it (e.g pedicure ) so am now working on that angle.Any idea anyone?
I think you are on the right track. Massage?
I now regret searching for films called Massage.
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I know fiction factory - I have already looked so I know where u are coming from.!!!!!! So its onward still ! Thanks Though
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The film Balance won an academy award in 1989 so must be more famous than I thought(never heard of it before) so it's probably best contender so far,but as all the other quiz answers are better known so its still inconclusive.
I have tried to find a better answer than Balance but haven't found anything. It seems okay to me
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Balance may be the answer I submit fiction factory because we do get our balance with our feet though other factors are involved - I've been reading it up.
theres a 2014 film called bunion

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Cryptic Clue Answer - Local Quiz

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