Tipping in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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nailit | 20:47 Sat 21st Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Just read another post on AB Re: tipping.
Just why do we 'tip' some professions, eg taxi drivers but not others eg bus drivers? They both do the same job but somehow we reward one and not the other?
I might leave a tip if I ate in a restaurant but wouldn't 'tip' a McDonalds worker. Again, doing the same job (serving food) but why the disparity?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I went to a newly opened McDonalds in Thailand. It was a bizarre experience because the staff treated us like we'd just walked into a Michelin starred restaurant.
Thanks Bednobs. I've only used it once and wasn't eating in anyway so probably just didn't notice.
It wouldn't make me use them more.
I once saw a new one with a queue three blocks long - it was in Budapest and I think it was the very first behind the Iron Curtain, before the wall came down, and everyone wanted to try the benefits fo western civilisation.
Taxi driver takes you to you door and is more personal, bus drive stops 20 mins walk away from your front door and wont carry your bags.

Waiter attends to you throughout the meal, McDonalds staff stay behind the counter
not only that, taxi drivers give you a rundown on how the world's going to hell in a handcart, and it's all included.
Taxi drivers long ago, would get out of their cars and knock at your door when they arrived, help with any luggage one may have, and then open the cab door for you to get in.

Strange though in the days when one was served personally at one's filing station, the attendant would not only fill your car, but would also check your oil level, water coolant and then clean your windscreen, yet one never tipped them.
They were probably better paid in days of yore and less competition!
i find life a lot simpler if you don't tip anyone
I would always tip a garage forecourt attendant who did those things for me. Thought most people did but perhaps not.
i liked tommy cooper's approach to tipping taxi drivers, slipping a tea bag into their top pocket and saying 'have a drink on me later'
I tend to tip those that provide a personal service to me - so hairdressers, taxi drivers, delivery drivers, waitress and bar staff serving me.
Bus drivers are providing a vehicle to service many therefore not personal to me so I don't tip.
Still spluttering from the 22:04 comment ...

Agree with Islay above.

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