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Bliss Today

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gness | 18:32 Sun 29th Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I discovered a new hobby....... :-)

I spent two hours or so in the best book shop ever.......lots of presents bought but the one for me is......

Swill Army Knife Whittling by Chris Lubkemann.....

I have a Swiss Army Knife and a lovely knife given to me by an aber......and a garden full of little branches and twigs tucked up a they'll come together in my new passtime....

My first project is a gadget called a Whimmy Diddle...I'll be adventurous and make a three pronged idea really what it'll do......but it looks fun...... :-)


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Were you in the Watermill by any chance?
Question Author
Indeed I was, Toorak......twice this week and my credit card took a hit!

But it's fantastic......everything about it and those sofas to curl up in and noodle with a pile of books....bliss...

You know it then?.....x
What could possibly go wrong.

Yes - i’ve Been a couple of times, though not recently. A great place to spend an hour or two. The cafe is nice too. It won the uk independent bookseller of the year award.
Mmmmm - girls and blades....
strangely fascinating video for nearly two minutes mamya but the ending was a bit of a let down

Question Author
That's it, Mamya!! The instructions I have in the book uses blingy beads too......I'll let you know how I get on.......if I have fingers left to type..... :-)

The cafe is lovely, Toorak......great cosy and friendly atmosphere....and they have well deserved awards all round......x
Question Author
Sigh....... :-(

There can be more to them, Ael.......especially the skill used to work the many pronged ones......I think so anyway.....x

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