Reminiscences nice (not) - sitting here upstairs in the computer room and the fireworks are going crazy - brings lovely memories of the bombs in NI - horrendous.
Some louder than others - the deeper the ones for me the more I hear them.
Hope they stop soon.
Reminds me so much of when i was shot. Sounded like a car back-firing then. Have a good Halloween all.
next weekend will be awful...sorry to hear that Conne.. we had a girl working in the watford office..Maeve from Belfast..a car backfired and she was under the desk in a flash... difficult times..hope they never return xx
On a lighter note - my family had to leave the family home because of burnings - stayed with an aunt and uncle who had no children. mum and I stayed in the backroom - mum called out to her sister (my aunt) Ah Jesus - there is more shooting - aunt replied "oh don't worry that;s Tommy farting" - i didn't have a clue what was being said so mum replied and I "felt" her lips to get an answer which reassured me a little.
These things stay with you. Visited 'Eden Camp' with granddaughter last year (WW2 ex POW camp, now a museum) as you enter there is a recording of a Doodlebug..............Mr J2 froze instantly, he heard them as a kid. That was a long time ago. My best suggestion is to play music and distract yourself. x
so true mamy (bleeding thru finger) - also have received photos of twin bros today from daughter - so photos, sounds and smells - that's all the bros gone - just sista and I and I do dwell on who will go first - her or I. Probably me as I am so accident prone. ah well - have to mop blood here
"Take care" LOl - you might as well "go bang your head on that window or better still - throw yourself out LOL" - have to go for a while - blood is pouring everywhere. xxx