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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:33 Sat 18th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Saturday. Not so cold out there this morning.

No show of the wee men yesterday. That's two days wasted. To say I'm not a happy bunny is being polite! I did have two bods from the council, they are as narked as I am and promised to find out what the contractors are playing at. Said they would get the contractors to phone me. Still not heard from them.

I think I'll go to the farmers market in Stroud today. Somehow I always spend more than I want to there!

Have a happy day everyone.


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well as long as he can do it the week after next, it would make things possible.
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Good luck mate.
a very pink sky down here, almost raspberry coloured....
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Just thick cloud here!
Good morning everybody.
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Morning paddy. All well mate?
I was just about to post the same DT after letting the hound out. Beautiful pink and orange dawn on a violet sky. Vapour trails from the inward bound Antlantic crossing planes like red slashes across the heavens.
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Very picturesque. :o}
Morning Paddy.....

My aspect is a southerly one, a lot of trees in the way though, which enchances the richness of the sky at times.
Haha. All prepped and ready to fire up the grill. Think I will nip down to the village and pickup the paper early. Can study the nags as I eat brekky. Not that it is doing me any good. Scuse me for 5 all.
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I'm at the top of a hill. I can walk for a minute and look right across the Severn Vale to the Forest of Dean, with Gloucester cathedral to the right and the River Severn flowing from right to left. It's beautiful.
Time for me to be to be done...and crosswords. Have a good one all.
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Have a good'un DT.
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I have a dinner party tomorrow, so I'm going to shove off and get as much done as possible today.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning waterman,
In this age of the phone, internet, it's not hard is it to let you know if there's a problem getting to you! How annoying. Only just up, it's been a busy week.
Oops, have a lovely day waterman, treat yourself to something delish on the market!
You too Dt, have a wonderful day.
rather late on parade, but good morning everyone. grey and quite cold at the moment.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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