When I was young I used to get 'You look just like Kate Bush' (one chap got really nasty when I said I wasn't because he didn't believe me) then for years I got 'You look just like Cher' a brief spell of 'You look just like Dr Beverley Crusher on Star Trek Next Generation' and twice this week I've had people say 'Don't you look like Angelica Huston'. Does anyone else get likened to a celebrity?
When I was younger, it was always Woody Allem - the glasses mainly, although I do have a similar hang-dog expression - and way with women!
Now in my fifties with what hair I have left cut in a Number 1 - I get Loyd Grossman! Great!
I have been told a couple of times when I had longer hair I had a similarity to Liv Tyler. But I think they were lying, cos I dont look half as good as her. I bloody wish I did though. =D
Does jesus count as a celeb?i used to have long hair and a big beard and all my friends called me jesus.i shaved my hair off and got rid of the beard but i am now growing my hair long again and often have some stubble so i am starting to be called jesus again.its never going to end