Well finally done it and bought a new suite - it is on the light side for Mr Maxie etc. First of all can I spray it with something so if something spilt it could be easily wiped. And other ideas would be welcome. It is just to keep it as new looking as possible. Thanks.
i.ve just changed our leather suite for a cloth one and bought throws to match the curtains which we use when sitting on it etc (by that I mean eating and drinking lol) the throws were bright red so I washed them first x
well contacted the shop and guy who has been dealing with me - sorta mentioned the Scotch guard but told me I could get it on Amazon - so obviously the shop doesn't do it.
Oh yes I knew I could get it myself but will I make a success of it - would have liked to have it done professionally. - good night all. not feeling well at all with so much pain - next Friday will be 4 weeks of having a fight with the Hoover.