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Pedestrianisation Of Oxford Street,

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emmie | 13:42 Mon 27th Nov 2017 | News
32 Answers
good thing or bad? i'm in two minds as how will one get from Marble Arch to Oxford street if you don't have the ability to walk too far, or those carrying bags of shopping.


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That is quite a long stroll, em. I wonder if they'll organise those little hop on hop off trains you see at some of the larger tourist attractions.
13:46 Mon 27th Nov 2017
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if no buses then people may get the tube, which puts added increase of passengers on that already over crowded line.
ah ok no stress. I'm probably not much younger than you but regularly walk from Euston station to the company HQ at St James's Park - take about 40mn on a good day.
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i know that some will get used to it, but can see a lot of people staying away as well. As been said that pedestrianisation often kills off the local businesses, which could happen if they go ahead with this plan.
emmie, Crossrail will be supplementing the Central Line too. For those weak of knee (like me) there's now step-free access to Bond St station platforms.
I don't think many people will stay away. From what I see, the vast, vast majority of people on Oxford Street are tourists (even at this time of the year)
Mush....I may have been rather harsh in my last post..... I have been trolled on here too much lately, especially today, so please forgive me !

Back in the late 80's, I was very fit and healthy, playing squash 2-3 times a week. I looked forward to those early morning walks over to South Ken, when the air was fresh and relatively unpolluted.

Part of the journey was through Hyde Park, and I used to see the Guards out exercising their horses most mornings.
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tourists and those who work in Oxford street, plus visitors from outside the capital, of which i suspect there are many.
Mikey, that sounds like a lovely journey.

I don't think tourists will ever be put off visiting Oxford Street, maybe making it a more friendly place for pedestrians?
I don't make a living driving through Oxford St but from a pedestrian's (my) point of view I think it will be an improvement. It takes ages to get from one side to the other and people are squashed into the pavements. It takes ages to get along because you are constantly dodging a tide of people coming towards you. Then you have to keep stopping to cross the side roads, taxis and buses are constantly hooting at pedistrians that have run out in front of them and the whole place is Bedlam.
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the trouble is the buses, taxis will be on divert., thus clogging up all the little side streets, which happens all too often when they close Oxford street for a demo, party or some such trifle.
shopping? how vulgar, surely, emmie, you have staff for that sort of thing?
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if only, however i now do the food shop mostly on line, so that saves having to schlep around with the others punters.

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