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Just-Jude | 14:03 Tue 28th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Do you think the Royal Family are really that happy about Harry's choice of future wife, or are they putting a brave face on it? Meghan is a Cherokee Indian and spent her childhood on a reservation, a million miles away from the blue blood they expected.


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did they say Duchess of East Sussex or Duchess of West Sussex? It had better be West, I can't see her in republican Lewes
Big beefy whole of Sussex, jno....including Lewes in the east, and gorgeous Bognor Regis in the west :-)
I can thay the Ducheth of Suthex when I've got me teef in.

I reckon all members of Harry's family are happy about the news.
Meghan is a Cherokee Indian and spent her childhood on a reservation,

No link then, jj ?.
jackthehat Sorry, J-J.......must try harder. 3/10

Only 2/10 from me this time I'm afraid.
Considering that the Royal Family are all directly related to German and Russian aristocracy, I can't see any problem where Ms Merke comes from.
Royal Family are all directly related to German and Russian aristocracy,

I blame Queen Victoria for that, mikey ;-)
Indeed Tony !

But I seem to recall that the German faction begun rather earlier than Queen Vic, starting with George 1st.
Oh yes forgot about that lot, mikey. The house of Hanover.
So she isn't a Cherokee?

Guess they wont be Squaw King together then.
Darn Cherokee's, always chasing three wheeled wagons.
Tony....its getting a tad late for me but I have done a little bit of research.

Apparently, it was the Act of Settlement in 1701 that disallowed the closer, Stuart relatives of Queen Anne coming to the throne, forcing us to turn to Germany for our Royals :::::
Thanks mikey.

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