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Alternative Dogging.

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gness | 14:49 Wed 29th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I fancied a picnic but it’s pouring we’re eating and supping wine in the car.......
An elderly couple have arrived.......parked beside us.....and opened a picnic......
Will we get an audience?


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Serves me right, Emmie...for picnicking in MK theatre car park.... :-(
i have my adventurous moments but i've never considered having a picnic in late november ...

i love Chris's video, i have posted onto my brother, he will love it.
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Now we want to know all about Ael's adventurous moments!...;-)
what on earth got you all the way to Milton Keynes?
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Hi, Emmie......I love theatre....we have a fairly good theatre in Kettering but their sound system is dreadful.....I'm in conversation with the theatre manager about it now....
He has explained why but it needs to be changed and I'll wear him down..... :-)

MK is a great theatre....about an hour or so from here so not too bad and if I want the whole in Sunset Boulevard today...I'd prefer to go there.....

Timing for the matinee was a bit awkward if we all wanted to eat so I suggested a picnic in the car...and it worked well.....xx
i posted Chris's link to dogging to my brother who said he has seen fascinating aida in concert, trouble is now his kids 11, 9
want to know what dogging is, ooppps
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Oooops indeed, Emmie........I suggest your brother invents a fascinating, alternative fairy tale....... ;-)

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