To answer your question about Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office comes in various packages (at different prices) and you need to look at what products (Word, Excel etc) come in each package.
You can buy a version of Office that is "own it forever" such as Microsoft Office Home and Student 2016 that comes with Word, Excel, Powerpoint and OneNote.
Once installed you can use it on your PC forever. It costs £120 from Argos but you can find it cheaper if you hunt around
There is also Office 365 which is a yearly license.
This comes in various packs (one PC, 5 PC etc) and also with different software in different packs so check carefully what you get in the package.
Here is one version of Office 365 from Currys. At this price it only lasts 1 year!
You can read more about the various Microsoft Office packages here (select the Products drop down for more on each version of Office)