Webtribe offers standard internet dial-up access on 0845 638 9800.
You can get download speeds up to 5 times faster by connecting to Webtribe on 0845 638 9870. This number provides a free service, similar to OnSpeed's subscription scheme, which compresses all of the data sent to your PC. Using this number alone, however, means that all webpages are sent to you with maximum compression. This can have disadvantages, such as making graphics look very 'blocky'.
If you want to be able to control the compression levels (or to turn off compression for some sites) you need to download the free software from Webtribe and then connect on 0845 638 9800.
Webtribe lets you sign up as many times as you like, so you can have as many e-mail accounts as you want. (Both web-based mail and POP3 are supported). If you're bothered about anonymity, you don't have to provide your real name or any personal details and you can hide your phone number by using the '141' dialling prefix.
If you want it, there's unlimited free webspace available, with both personal and commercial websites being acceptable. (Note, though, that FrontPage extensions aren't supported).
Webtribe always connects first time, every time and never drops the connection.
If you want to try out the 'standard' and/or the 'maximum compression' connections before signing up, just use 'Make New Connection' in Dial-Up Networking. Choose either the 'standard' or 'compressed' phone number above and use 'guest' for the username and 'webguest' for the password.
Alternatively, simply sign up here: