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Lost The Sound Of Video On Sd's Thread

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emmie | 17:41 Mon 04th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
can't hear the music at all, not any one of the many that are playing.


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Check your volume controls and make sure you haven't accidentally muted YouTube.
17:55 Mon 04th Dec 2017
Start by trying the sound on something not related to the internet. (e.g. assuming that you're using a PC or laptop with a CD drive, try playing a CD).

If the sound's still intermittent then it's probably a physical problem, such as a loose connection, a dodgy volume control on your speakers or something similar. If the sound's OK with a CD (or when playing an MP3 file) then it might be a browser problem. (Try a different browser).

However it really would help to know what type of device you're using. (There's not much point in people here suggesting ways to fix a PC problem if you're using an iPad!)
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i ue a dell laptop, my cd drawer is stuck i can get it open with sticking a thin metal prong into it, will try that to see what plays..

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