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Are These Likely To Be A Good Investment? I Might Buy A Few As Unusual Christmas Presents For Family Members.

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sandyRoe | 11:21 Wed 07th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
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after years of trying you've actually won the euro then sandy ...
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Sadly, no. But coming across that page prompted me to invest in a lottery ticket for Friday.
good luck and don't forget, gold is my favourite colour

Too large and flashy to put on a chain and hang around neck ?
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I was thinking they'd serve as a very nice paperweight on the desk.

Just don't let Gordon Brown anywhere near them!

Just in case you don't remember

///Brown sold 395 tonnes of Britain's gold reserves between 1999 and 2002 when the market was at its lowest///
Perfect, need a new doorstop.
Make a nice stocking filler at Christmas.
-- answer removed --

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Are These Likely To Be A Good Investment? I Might Buy A Few As Unusual Christmas Presents For Family Members.

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