Theft is gross misconduct , for which he will be instantly dismissed without notice. It could be that they are retaining the money as repayment for the theft, not sure of the legal side.
Then ha has a case for unfair dismissal as they have not gone down the gross misconduct route. If he is in a Union ask them for advice , otherwise talk to a lawyer. This is not a straightforward case it needs a lawyer. A dismissal for theft on his employment history is going to be a big disadvantage in getting another job. If the meat was going to be scrapped it may not be possible to call it theft. He REALLY needs a lawyer with experience of employment law. When you say his 'layer' is pursuing the accident claim , I assume you mean lawyer? If so the same lawyer will handle the sacking as part of the claim.
His lawyer is rubbing their hands Eddie,
Unions are frowned upon in that place of work, but thanks to another ab'er have advised some of his work-mates to sign up to one where the employer doesn't need to know that they are in a union.
Meat prep industry is appallingly badly paid
almost as bad as the rag trade
yes - if worked the week he is entitled to be paid for work done - I am nor sure if this can be defeated by a clause in the contract ( you shall not be paid lying time if you are dismissed for gross misconduct ) I would have thought not
even if the meat was to be turfed it had scrap value of whatever
so I dont think that will get up and run - and can you steal from dustbins ? yup I am afraid you can.
offering restitution - means young alba has effectively admitted wrongdoing
anyway he has am employment lawyer so I am not sure what our funnction is
Yes from what you say the Union may well be able to get him compensation and force them to withdraw the dismissal , then if he does not want his job back the lawyer will sue the company for unfair dismissal , more compo .