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All Gone ?

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Bazile | 18:34 Wed 13th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Is there still 'snow' on the ground , where you are ?


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We live in Manchester and are still waiting for our snow. Not had any yet.
Still bits of snow here and there here in Stoke, but just been on my bike on a path that goes through some woods and its black ice all the way. Had to get of and push it, wheels going everywhere except where I wanted them to go.
Little bits up in the Beacons, but our Welsh rain has put paid to most of it, as usual !
Washed away.
By the way, it was raining when I first got out of bed at about 07:00 this morning, and, at coming up to 18:30, its still raining !
It had almost gone where I live, but now it's snowing again and sticking.
Have the schools re opened? Or are they afraid of being sued for ice now ?
nope all went when it started pouring down.
It's been washed off the main roads here by rain most of the day. Just on pavements and side roads now. The schools went back today too, yes.
All gone except for in the fields where it's slushy and mucky and filthy!
Raining now but the kids have had three snow days, can't recall the school's being shut for so long - I love them to pieces but I have Christmas stuff to do and the things finish at 1.30 on Friday.
Our school has only shut once before. They tried to open yesterday and told everyone it would be and then changed their mind at 8:15 in the morning when it refroze.
Haven't had any snow here in Dundee and it's been raining all day so frost has gone too.
Never had any...but it's been hammering down for several hours.
The schools in my neck of the woods where closed Friday, Monday and Tuesday, open again today but seeing as it's now snowing again will probably close again tomorrow.
Tiny bit left but raining so gone imminently. I'd happily have 6 months of snow :(
Snow days don't bother me but I really need to wrap the presents and I've got no chance when they're all home.
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Started to snow , light showering - stopped now

Still some ice on road and pavements
We didn't have that much here but it was enought to screw the airport up though. It's absolutely tipping down now.

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