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Windows 10 Home

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Samuraisan | 20:50 Tue 12th Dec 2017 | Technology
9 Answers
This might be a totally stupid question, but there again not. On my brand new 8gb, 5 icore SDD that I am going to buy in January, should I have Windows 10 , or Windows 10 Home ? I will not be using for work, but I am planning to take some courses and please see previous post.


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There's no such operating system as plain 'Windows 10'. The two editions which are offered to home users are 'Windows 10 Home' and 'Windows 10 Pro'. (There's also 'Windows 10 S', aimed at students and teachers, and 'Windows 10 Enterprise', for IT-based organisations).

If you see a computer offered with just 'Windows 10' it almost certainly means 'Windows 10 Home', so there's no real difference in the terms.

While the 'Pro' editions of earlier versions of Windows possibly offered a few features which might have been useful to the average home user, Windows 10 Pro doesn't offer any such features. (It's mainly concerned with things for business users, such as allowing remote access between computers).

So 'Window 10 Home' (which might be advertised as just 'Windows 10' anyway) is all that you need.
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Thanks Buenchico. All clear. I will have to get Windows 10 Home for Dummies too. Last version I have been using is Windows XP.
That book will be in your local library if you want to save a few quid, Sam
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Not here in Spain it won't be hc4361! But never mind, I will get my money's worth, I will probably refer to it for years. Incidentally, does anybody know, if I buy a laptop here, with Spanish keyboard etc. can I convert the Windows Home into English ?
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Thanks Buenchico, I have saved that link. What would we do without you? I am going to really impress mi gente when I let rip with my newly acquired knowledge!
Buenchico...I have Windows 10 Home, on my new PC, that I bought 2 years ago. But it doesn't have Word, which some people have told me that it should have had.

Is that right ?
Hi Mikey

Microsoft Word isn't part of Windows itself but Microsoft have sometimes bundled either a 'trial (time-limited) or 'starter' (very basic) edition of Word (or Office) with the 'OEM' versions of Windows which they sell to computer manufacturers. So some computers might come with a version of Word pre-installed on them but many don't.

With the advent of Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft now want people to pay £60 per year for access to Microsoft Office programs, so they're far less likely to include a 'lifetime' version of Office/Word with the software that they sell to computer manufacturers.

Stick with OpenOffice (or Libre Office or WPS Office). Just as good - and free!
Thanks Buenchico....a very clear answer....( have you thought of posting in News ? )

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Windows 10 Home

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