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Islands Quiz 20/01/18

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Trapper | 22:26 Wed 13th Dec 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
All answers are islands
13. Carry this inside as well (6)
25. Sat back with an obsession (8)
38. I say, that’s a pale draw (6)
59. Strange tipple , I hear (4)
66. I join a Rockies town and get shaken (6, 6)
Thanks in advance for any help.


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13 Tobago
59 Rhum
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38 Taiwan
I can only find Rum spelt that way
Rhum - an island in the Inner Hebrides, to the south of Skye
Re 59 "For much of the 20th century the name became Rhum, a spelling invented by the former owner, Sir George Bullough, because he did not relish the idea of having the title "Laird of Rum".
Thanks googled it three times and still came up Rum but my original thought had been Rhum
66 Baffin Island

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Islands Quiz 20/01/18

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