Child Support in The AnswerBank: Parenting
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Child Support

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NubMaster | 21:58 Wed 05th Jul 2006 | Parenting
4 Answers
What is the average a man pays his ex partner for child support ? Either by CSA or straight to her ?
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csa is usually 20% of monthly wage and for 1st child and extra 5% for each subsequent child so csa told me when i first had money from them don't know if it has changed but my payments are the samenow as then no idea if you work it out between you
I spoke to CSA about this the other day and it's currently 15% of the man's Net weekly wage for the first child, but it depends how much money he is earning, whether he has any other children living with him, and other factors.

Have a look at the CSA website....I think it's www.csa.gov.uk or similar.
hi all,i have three boys and have been paying �300 a month
Hi I have two boys and am paying 400 a month by agreement. It didn't go through the CSA. I think I might have been better off if it did.

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